AFCC (Agri-food chain coalition)

AMFEP - Association of Manufacturers and Formulators of Enzyme Products

ANAC - Animal Nutrition Association of Canada

AnimalHealthEurope - European animal medicines industry

ATF (Animal Task Force)

AVEC - EU Poultry Meat Association

COPA-COGECA - Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations

CropLife Europe

EAAP - European Federation of Animal Science

EDA - European Dairy Association

EFFA - European Flavour Association

EFFAB - European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders

EFISC - European Feed Ingredients Safety Certification

ELMA - European Lecithin Manufacturers Association

EMFEMA - European Manufacturers of Feed Minerals Association

EU Specialty Food Ingredients

EUROPABIO - European Association for Bioindustries


FEDIAF - European Pet Food Industry

FEFAC - European Feed Manufacturers' Federation

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