Mixtures classification
To support the effective implementation of the Regulation on Preparations, FEFANA has developed a Classification Tool for Mixtures aimed at promoting a common understanding within the industry of the status of products that comprise a mixtures of ingredients.
The tool has been developed because the definitions provided by the Regulation are often not sufficiently self-explanatory, but need to be implemented in a harmonised, transparent and practical way.
The tool should help operators and authorities agree on the classification of the different types of feed mixtures marketed in the EU (feed additive preparations, premixtures, compound feed). Development is based on common understanding between the industry and authorities, dialogue and shared experience amongst FEFANA members, as well as expertise gained during the registration process.
The tool is implemented as an online, user-friendly feature, similar to the FEFANA Classification Tool for Substances. Additionally, a ‘Questions & Answers’ document has been produced, which mostly deals with aspects related to labelling.
How does it work?
The new tool is based on the definitions covered by the three reference EU regulations for mixtures:
- Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 on additives for use in animal nutrition (premixtures);
- Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 on the placing on the market and use of feed (compound feed);
- Regulation (EC) No 327/2015 on the requirements for the placing on the market and conditions of use of additives consisting of preparations (feed additive preparations).
When accessing the tool, the user has to follow two simple steps:
- Input the product information (e.g. target animal species/category, composition);
- Answer a set of questions (e.g. conditions of use, manufacturing process).
The final tab will include a detailed calculation for the final result, with the possible classification of the product.
In order to answer most of the questions, information on the product(s) to be tested should be prepared in advance by the user of the feed mixtures classification tool. This information should include labels, product data sheets, brochures, internet information, etc. Anything that describes the product and the way it is used or promoted can be of help. After entering the composition to be evaluated (additives and feed materials on first page), the system will guide the user through several questions. Additional information is provided with each question. It will help the user answer appropriately. Most questions are to be answered either by ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. A few questions involve a choice through a selection list and others imply text input. Note that some of the inputs are considered as information to justify or consolidate answers given to preceding questions.
This tool is therefore of use for both business operators and authorities, enabling the classification of a product and its placing on the market in a simple and consistent manner. Finally, it helps businesses in taking the proper decision to ensure their products comply with the European regulatory framework.
The classification tool is intended to help the feed business operators and the authorities to be have the same understanding of a given substance. Moreover, it would help the operator document his/her decision on the way the substance shall be placed on the market in the European Union. However, FEFANA does not take any responsibility in the use of the classification tool and in the further decision made by the operators. The placing of products and substances on the market stays under the sole responsibility of the operator.
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