FEFANA – EU Association of Specialty Feed Ingredients and their Mixtures
FEFANA is the united voice of the Specialty Feed Ingredients business in Europe, providing key benefits to the EU food chain and to the society. It remains committed to its mission to achieve sustainable animal nutrition through the supply of innovative, safe and cost-effective specialty feed ingredients, to ensure food security, animal health and welfare.
Check out FEFANA’s video to find out more about its role in the sector.
Key speakers of the video:
Séverine Deschandelliers – FEFANA President
Bernadette Okeke – FEFANA Board Member
Alexandre Cevallos – FEFANA Board Member
Claire Bury – European Commission, DG SANTE Deputy Director-General responsible for Food Sustainability
Daniela Battaglia – Livestock Production Officer, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Joerg Seifert – FEFANA Secretary General
Specialty Feed Ingredients’ contribution to Animal Welfare
FEFANA is the united voice of the specialty feed ingredients (SFIs) business in Europe. In In this video, you will learn that SFIs play an important part in meeting the nutritional requirements to ensure animal health and well-being. In addition, SFIs can support a stronger immune system and improved vitality, and can help animals cope better with stress, for instance due to heat on hot summer days or when transitioning from their mother’s milk to solid food. Watch this video to learn more on how SFIs can thereby contribute to animal welfare.
Specialty Feed Ingredients’ contribution to sustainable animal farming
Specialty feed ingredients (SFIs) are important allies for an efficient and environmentally friendly food system and help reduce the environmental footprint from livestock. Learn more on the beneficial effects of SFIs and why they are key for sustainable animal farming and circular economy.
Copyright: FEFANA – 12 April 2022
Animal health and welfare: What role for animal nutrition?
FEFANA-FEFAC virtual conference organised in collaboration with Euractiv on Wednesday, May 19, 2021.
Copyright: EURACTIV - 19 May 2021
Specialty Feed Ingredients’ role in the fight against Antimicrobial Resistance
Animal nutrition has a crucial role in supporting animal health and welfare. Specialty Feed Ingredients are used in feed and pet food to ensure a safe and appropriate diet. Some of these ingredients can also support the animals’ natural defences against, for example, bad bacteria. Maintaining animals in optimal health limits and prevents the need for veterinary treatments, consequently reducing the threat of antimicrobial resistance.
Copyright: FEFANA – 4 January 2021
Farm to Fork and feed additives: What lies ahead?
FEFANA’s first-ever public virtual conference organised in collaboration with Euractiv on Monday, December 7, 2020.
Copyright: EURACTIV - 7 December 2020
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