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Joining FEFANA


FEFANA membership is open to any legal entity involved in the business of specialty feed ingredients and their mixtures. Member companies are direct affiliates.

Full membership is open to any legal entity with a registered and continuous business activity in manufacture, import or distribution of specialty feed ingredients and their mixtures which have their registered office in or are incorporated according to the laws and customs of a former or a current Member State of the European Union as well as Norway, Switzerland and Iceland.

Core benefits of FEFANA membership:

United voice of the industry of specialty feed ingredients and their mixtures:

An integrated European network, bringing together business operators of the sector, to promote the benefits and safety of specialty feed ingredients and their mixtures, and to support Members’ effort for safe and cost effective products in the food chain.

Shared expertise:

Develop professional voluntary tools (e.g. codes of practice) to take coordinated attitude regarding legal constraints, while ensuring the quality and the safety of specialty feed ingredients and their mixtures; improve the understanding among the public and in particular of the users of these products.

Regulatory leadership:

Ensure collaboration with the EU Institutions and other stakeholders on technical and regulatory matters; participate in the decision-making process of new legislation; develop common industry positions on regulatory issues; support a harmonised implementation of current ruling in force.

International dimension:

Being recognised as a respected international association, keeping cooperative dialogue with third countries’ authorities and other organisations having related purposes; support coordination and facilitation of international trade.

Service to members:

Regular updates and tailored information on issues of interest; access to Members’ only area of FEFANA extranet; development of tools; organisation of FEFANA trainings, workshops, webinars and other events.

How to join

Expression of interest

You fill in the form hereafter, we examine it and send you documents so that you can submit an official application

Official application

You submit the provided documents so that we can determine to which category your company belongs

Board approval

The Board of Directors reviews your application and gives instructions to the Secretary General

You are a member

We activate your membership, issue the invoice and you can nominate experts to our working groups


Become a member

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